Easter Eggstravaganza

Easter Eggstravaganza

Our Easter Egg Hunt is over and all we can say is WOW! You did not disappoint when it came to supporting this great cause. We managed to collect nearly 600 – yes you read correctly – 600 chocolate eggs over the 4 weeks we were hunting!!! Our first donation went...
MLC Easter EGGstravaganza!

MLC Easter EGGstravaganza!

We’ve launched our Easter Egg Hunt! Hooray! Not your usual Easter Egg Hunt – we’re hunting for YOUR Easter Eggs! Over the next 4 weeks, we’ll be collecting Easter eggs to donate to a few good causes and to some families and children that may need...
Manchester Level Club AGM 2023

Manchester Level Club AGM 2023

Our AGM took place on Friday 10th March  at Hemsley House in Salford. All had a great evening and some big changes took place. Firstly, Bro. Paul Mansell stepped down as Chairman of the club after two successful years at the helm. The club has seen a huge development...
To Initiate, Or Not To Initiate

To Initiate, Or Not To Initiate

Friday 2nd December played host to Shakspere 1009’s last meeting of the year, and saw the initiation of Bro Matt Holden in to the Lodge. Attendance on the night was looking uncertain. The candidate is a serving Soldier in HM Forces and has returned from a 6-month...
What is The Festival

What is The Festival

What is The Festival? As Manchester Masons, we have all heard by now that our Masonic Province of East Lancashire has begun a major fund-raising appeal – The 2026 Festival, and we are aware that we are being asked for their support. But how many of us really...
From Entered Apprentice & Beyond

From Entered Apprentice & Beyond

My first steps into Freemasonry – EA and Beyond Recently we spoke with Aaron from Maccabee Lodge 8947 (that meets in Manchester Masonic Hall), about his journey into Freemasonry. Aaron has recently undergone his Passing to Fellow Craft and this is what he had to say....