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LOST 126 Andersons Constitution Event

Anderson's Constitutions was the original guide for Freemasons who were part of the Grand Lodge of England. The original Anderson's Constitutions was published in 1723. It was written by James Anderson, a Presbyterian clergyman, at the request of John Theophilus Desaguliers, the third Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England.

Explanation of the First Degree

Manchester Hall

Freemasons are part of an ancient tradition that includes rituals and symbols particular to each degree and it is the Initiation Ceremony that first teaches us lessons of honor, morality, and virtue. During their Initiation a candidate will be asked over eighteen questions; he only answers two, himself. All the other answers are given to […]


Shakspere Lodge WM Installation

Manchester Hall

Come and support our very own Brother Thomas Daniel as he  assumes the chair of  King Solomon and takes over the mantel as Worshipful Master of Shakspere Lodge  1009   Sign Up here: 
